Ralph DiMarco

Ralph DiMarco is a 1985 graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with 30 years of experience in Graphic Design and illustration. He began painting in 2006 as a diversion from his daily routine and as a means of relaxation. Since then he has developed a truly personal approach to painting using a variety of techniques learned through observation and practice. Ralph's paintings are distinguished by energetic, spontaneous brushwork, creating visually realistic scenes while also displaying the physical energy of the painting process. The use of resin allows Ralph to “lock in” stages of the work as it progresses, creating distinct layers of detail that together build towards a final, luminescent, organic work of art. Ralph's affinity for landscape painting is rooted in the fact that he can explore various moods and narratives simply through changes in light and scale. More importantly, thought, landscapes are a treasured part of Ralph's childhood spent in Italy, exploring and playing through the countryside while developing a vivid imagination.


Bruce Horan


Dave Morico